Coaching and Mentoring For Men

Following the publication of his book on divorce recovery, Yoel discovered an amazing thing. Married men who had read the book began reaching out to express their gratitude and inquire as to how they could implement the methods described in the book to better their lives. It was then that Yoel discovered that not only could divorced men benefit from his experiences, but also married men. 

Unhappy couple

Troubled Men In Marriage

Marriage can be challenging for a man. From earning a living to balancing family obligations, not to mention finding time to maintain a healthy relationship with one’s spouse, men often find themselves overwhelmed. 

Unfortunately, society often stigmatizes men into “keeping their emotions in check”, making men feel that they must “man up” and handle things on their own. Men around the world are suffering in silence, knowing they were destined for greatness but not knowing how to achieve it.

Yoel’s Solution

After realizing just how much married men also suffer and are yearning for something more, Yoel began sharing with men his mistakes from his marriage and the actions he has taken, and takes every day, to correct these mistakes going forward. 

And the beauty is that for married men, they have an opportunity to take corrective action to improve their lives while still married!

So Yoel wrote a second book which he published on Amazon, this time geared for steps that married men could take immediately to not only improve their lives, but also their marriages in the process. 

This spurred Yoel’s second coaching and mentoring program for married men, generating a revolution of new men willing to take action to improve their lives. 

In effect, the men in Yoel’s coaching program reap the benefits of Yoel’s hindsight which he gained only post-marriage, while they are still married! 

Below is a reproduction of what many men, married and divorced, have shared with Yoel as to their inspiration from Yoel’s book, coaching and mentoring…

Benefits of Mentoring & Coaching for the Married Man

Here are some benefits to married men getting mentoring and coaching:

  • Gaining empowerment to improve their lives and their marriages;
  • Sparking a renewed appreciation of and by their spouse;
  • Receiving actionable insights that can be applied instantly and effectively;
  • Being held accountable to stay consistent and motivated;
  • Mindset shifts to completely change one’s attitude to life and begin actually living life again;
  • Understanding their part in the marriage’s problems (not blame) so that they grow from their mistakes and make adjustments before it’s too late;
  • Being a better and more attentive husband; Gaining the same from their spouse;
  • Getting out of depression and anxiety;
  • Getting in shape;
  • Understanding their own personal power and unlocking it with proper guidance;
  • Building their confidence back up;
  • Being amazing dads;
  • Having someone besides a therapist who listens and relates from personal experience; and
  • Much more!