About Me
Yoel Farkas is a personal development coach and mentor, empowering men across the globe to take action to improve their lives quickly and effectively. Yoel is the author of Recover From Your Divorce in 4 Steps. The No-Fluff Guide for Men By A Divorced Man as well as How To Be A Winning Man In Your Marriage. Yoel holds a law degree from Ontario, Canada as well as Israel and founded law firms in both Canada and Israel.
You do not need to suffer years of pain and anguish before recovering from your divorce. Utilizing stories from his own experiences, Yoel teaches you the fresh and unique 4-step method that he developed to take actions towards recovery from his own divorce, so that you can too, quickly and effectively.
Many men are unhappy in their marriages. From difficulties with their spouse, to the challenges of earning a living while balancing family obligations, more and more men are becoming despondent as they find themselves struggling to keep their heads above water. Utilizing anecdotes from his own experiences, Yoel shares the lessons he learned from the failure of his marriage to teach men how to succeed in theirs.

How To Be A Winning Man In Your Marriage – Get it now in paperback or Kindle!
men's divorce recovery
Yoel offers one-on-on divorce recovery mentoring and coaching to divorced men, and is in the process of launching a beta group program as well.
coaching for all men
In addition to his popular divorce recovery training, Yoel coaches and mentors married men, empowering them to take action to improve their lives quickly and effectively.
Yoel provides actionable insights, strategies and takeaways in personal development for men in his regularly-updated blog. Content includes articles as well as select videos from Yoel’s YouTube channel.
Get in touch with Yoel privately and confidentially.